Unit: 01 Introduction (14 Hours)

Nature and scope of Finance, Objectives of finance, Roles and responsibilities of the finance manager, Introduction to Indian financial system. Sources of finance: Equity capital, Debenture, Preference capital and Term loans, Time value of money, Cost of capital.

Unit: 02 Capital Structure ( 6 hours)

Leverage: Operating, financial and combined leverage, Capital structure: Theories of capital structure (Net income approach, net operating income approach, MM approach, Traditional approach)

Unit: 03Capital Budgeting (8 Hours)

Introduction, Project Appraisal Techniques, Determination of cash flow streams, Capital Rationing and conflicts in NPV and IRR Techniques.

Unit: 04 Corporate Financial Structure and Dividend Policy (12 Hours)

Dividend Policy: Introduction, forms of dividend, stability of dividends, theories of dividend policy (Relevance and Irrelevance theories), determinants of dividend decision

Unit: 05 Working Capital Financing (8 Hours)

Concept, Significance, operating cycle, Estimation, Risk-return Trade off, Determinants, Working Capital policies and working capital financing.